Giotto Biotech together with Saturno project partners was awarded with the “IR20 Piemonte Innovazione e Ricerca 2020” award in the green economy category.
An important confirmation that innovation in the circular economy and synergies between industry and research are the ways to go for a sustainable future.
SATURNO is a strong network between industry and research, a practical example of circular economy for the creation of new processes and new products starting from biomass and waste materials. As a matter of fact SATURNO biorefinery aims to develop urban systems and industrial systems that are sustainable from both environmental and economic point of view.
Partners involved:
Acea Pinerolese, Asja Ambiente Italia, Buzzi Unicem, Officine Cornaglia, CRF, Entsorga Italia, Environment Park, Gaia, Giotto Biotech, Grinp, Hysytech, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Iren, LCE, Merlino, Modelway, Nuova Carrozzeria Torinese, Novamont, Politecnico di Torino, RAMS&E, Step, Università di Torino, Università del Piemonte Orientale, Up to farm.